
How Pest Infestation Can Affect Your Health and Home

Pest infestation is a severe issue due to the property damage it can cause and the risks it poses to human health. As a homeowner, you should understand the effect of pest activity on your house and the health of your family. This way, you can take steps to keep them safe and know when to contact Pestcom Pest Management professionals. Keep reading to learn about the structural and health effects of different types of household pests:


Termites are considered silent destroyers as they can hew through flooring, wood, and wallpaper without being detected. This usually causes extensive damage before you realize there is an issue. Eventually, an unnoticed termite infestation can weaken your home’s structure, resulting in expensive repairs.

Termites mainly feed on the cellulose in wood; however, they can also damage books, paper, swimming pool liners books, insulation, and filtration systems. When a termite colony matures, it can consume more than 10 pounds of wood in just one week, resulting in serious structural damage.

Sadly, termite is often not covered by standard homeowners’ insurance policies because it’s a preventable maintenance problem. Because of the staggering financial effects of a termite infestation, it’s important to take proactive measures to prevent such pests from infesting your house.

Although termites do not carry diseases, they can cause respiratory issues and skin irritation. Should you notice signs of infestation like wood damage, discarded wings, and mud tubes, reach out to a pest control company as soon as possible.


Mosquitoes spread diseases like Zika virus, West Nile virus, dengue fever, and malaria, causing serious health complications. Rising temperatures and warmer weather create a perfect environment for these pests to breed and thrive. This makes it essential to maintain proactive mosquito control practices to reduce the risk of infection. You should get rid of possible breeding sites around your house like tall grass and stagnant water to prevent infestations. Also, consider professional mosquito control to control mosquito populations.


Roaches are common in homes and their presence can result in different health problems. These pests carry allergens and bacteria that trigger respiratory issues and aggravate asthma symptoms. Also, they can contaminate food and surfaces. If you notice signs of roaches like dead insects, droppings, and egg cases, contact a professional pest control team right away.


These pests carry different diseases that can harm people. Also, they can cause itchy bites and skin irritations. Usually, a flea infestation starts with pets. Particularly, dogs and cats can pick up fleas from other infested animals or the outdoors. Once fleas invade your house, they quickly reproduce, posing a risk to everyone. Flea bites are itchy and uncomfortable for pets. Also, they can transmit diseases like murine typhus and tapeworms. Pets may also develop an allergic reaction to such bites, resulting in intense itching, skin infections, and hair loss. Check your pets for fleas regularly and take steps to prevent an infestation like getting flea treatment for your pets and family.


Rodents like mice and rats pose severe threats to your house and health. They can transmit different zoonotic diseases like hantavirus, leptospirosis, and Salmonella, which can result in serious symptoms. The transmission can take place through rodent bites, direct contact, or contact with rodent feces, saliva, or urine. Additionally, rodents can carry ticks, mites, and fleas that can further spread different diseases.

Moreover, rodents can cause serious structural damage as they constantly gnaw through wood, certain kinds of metal, and plastic. Such gnawing can result in damage in the walls, electrical wiring, insulation, and flooring, increasing the risk of house fires. Common signs of rodent infestations include droppings, strange noises in the attic or walls, and gnaw marks. If you notice such signs, act swiftly and contact a pest control service provider.



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